Day 32
Well it’s been one month, and all I can say is, “ Wo lei le.” Translation: “I’m tired”. It’s been quite a month and one that I will definitely not forget. It was full of excitement, disappointment, full stomachs, new friends, and new experiences. Last night I ate my first burger in Shanghai at a restaurant called, Blue Frog and it wasn’t half bad. Topped with a fried egg and French fries, it was well worth the 40 kuai ($5.84). The ultimate guys and I hung out afterwards at one of their apartments and I finally got home around 12:24, just in time to try to get some sleep for work. Work was LONG. It wasn’t that bad though because I finally got to do what my title says: design. It was cool to finally design something in the company and things are looking better. So I experienced my first burger in Shanghai, my first design iteration at my firm, and tonight I experienced my
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