Monday, June 8, 2009
stoopid censorship
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I had to play
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
How long is your neck?

I arrived into Mae Hong Son without a clue of what I was going to do. I gave myself about 3 hours of time in the city before I would have to head back to Pai because I had to return my bike. I had a quick lunch and remembered seeing flyers for a tribal village called the Longnecks. Their tradition is to have their women bind their necks with brass rings in order to make their necks longer. Cool. I ask the owner of the restaurant which way to go and I set off.

I now had a 110km journey to look forward to in order to get back to Pai and about 3 hours to do it in. No problem. Today’s trip started around 10am and ended at 7:15pm. I had traveled about 230km and had leveled up my motorbiking experience by about 12 levels. I was getting way more comfortable and found myself averaging about 50-60km/hr instead of 30km/hr. I had seen a cool culture and had been so cold from riding in the rain all day that I actually had the shivers and goosebumps. Overall, a great trip.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Fresh Air
Day 147
I didn’t sleep to well this morning. Mainly cuz I just feel so sticky.
Nothing too exciting today. I got kinda lost, but that’s what I like doing. I saw a semi-“Olympic”/ Field day event at the local community center. There was loud music playing, people playing soccer and it looked like a ton of fun; and totally ridiculous. I saw a waterfall, drove through a village and a Chinese sanctioned village and basically just rode around Pai. I’ve started to really love it here, but there is no way that I could stay longer than a week, I think I would just get too bored and plus being alone doesn’t help. I’ve fallen in love with pineapple shakes and I can never get enough of Pad Thai, and yes I am eating the vegetables.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Blowin in the Wind

After I moved out of my guesthouse I checked into a different one near the Pai River and saw a little place called Edible Jazz. Sweet name. I read that it is a hot spot for musicians to just jam out and is a nice place to just relax. I go there around 8 and talk with a few other travelers and then a guitarist grabs the mic and starts jamming. This guy is awesome. He has a raspy and scratchy singing voice, but it is “real”. It is one of soul and he sounds awesome. It has been some time since I’ve had live music and this was a great time. I stayed till about 11 listening to just the kind of relaxing music I like. Pai is a sweet place and I’m definitely getting my share of relaxation.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Just Reeeelax
Day 145
Yesterday I arrived into the lazy town called Pai via a crazy minibus driver. We had to drive over this mountain, which forced the people to build the windiest road I have ever been on. After being tossed and turned and nauseated, I stumbled out of the bus into Pai and felt a sense of relaxation. The mood around here reminds me of hippy/ pot-heads. Tons of Bob Marley paraphernalia and tye dye shops. As I was walking around, I heard some foreigners ask a local for some opium! Ahhhh
When many foreigners travel to places in
My friend in Lao told me to spend about a week in Pai, but I’m not sure how long I’ll spend, but I do know that it will be very relaxing.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I arrived into Chiang Mai, Thailand on Tuesday, and this time not for ultimate Frisbee. I met someone in Luang Prabang who told me about this little town called Pai near Chiang Mai. She said that it was beautiful and totally relaxing. With only about 2 and a half weeks before I have to go back home, I figured to do as much relaxing as possible before I would start having non-stop all-nighters.
Money usually isn’t too much of a hassle for me because of the crazy exchange rates and because things in Thailand are so cheap. However, the geniuses at my bank decided to not allow any ATM transactions to occur for an undisclosed amount of time in the areas of Malaysia and Thailand; due to a high number of pin # fraud. So I came into Thailand with about 2000 kuai, which equals to about 8,160 Baht, which is equal to about $230. My trip just got increasingly more interesting. Usually when traveling I do not worry about spending a little because it is so cheap, but now that I am on a pretty strict budget, I will have to holster my want for some things. My idea behind buying things, I believe is pretty rational because I will generally only buy something if I feel that I will use it often or if it is important. That will have to be true now more than ever because there are so many cool things here that I want, but do I really need?
My first meal in Chiang Mai was a Thai style BBQ buffet in a giant warehouse complex. Tons of tables and tons of fresh meat, seafood, vegetables, fruit, ice cream, pastries, and so much more. The set up is similar to that of Chinese hot pot. These is a “pot” that looks as though it could be a hat, and it is heated by burning coals. Water or broth is poured around the brim of the hat and then the middle is used as a regular grill. It was delicious and very filling.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Apple Pie Shots
Day 141
Day two of the Malaysian tournament was one filled with excitement and more laziness. We, Cowboyz, continued our ways of not warming up and it showed, but only cuz we played the team that would eventually finish 2nd in the tournament. It was hot again, and as bodies started to fall, our team chemistry started to grow. We beat our next team 9-2 and it felt really good because here we were a team of “misfits” and we are starting to really click. It was our last game against a team from
Saturday, May 23, 2009
So I’m sitting in a guesthouse in KUALA LUMPUR!!! I guess before I tell you why I’m in Kuala Lumpur, I should fill you in on what has happened in the past week.
Last week Beijing held an awesome ultimate tournament. It was China Nationals and it is meant to determine the National Champion of China. There were over 20 teams at this tournament and it was just awesome to see so many Chinese people playing ultimate. Shanghai wasn’t able to win the title of national champion because we are a team of “wai guo ren”-foreigners/ expats. So we had two fairly even teams and we had a good time playing against the other ineligible teams. My team, Tres Eckes! played just ok, and what I mean is that we lost to a Beijing high school team. I’m was more frustrated because at how poorly we played in a strong wind, but it is good for those little buggers to win cuz that’s what this tournament was all about. Hong Kong won the title from Beijing Bang, and it was just another quality tournament to put in my resume.
Kuala Lumpur is HOT! I found out about this tournament through my friend, Aeoy, who I met at the Bangkok Hat tournament earlier in the year; through facebook. I asked her if I could play and she said, “totally!” so I joined the Bangkok Cowboyz and now I’m here in Kuala Lumpur playing ultimate Frisbee. It is really incredible what I and so many other people do, we travel to different countries around Asia and the world, and then play ultimate Frisbee. We make great friends and see awesome places. My team struggled heavily in the first game because we are all new with one another and we are basically a pick-up team. I played alright, but I wasn’t too impressed with the play that I was seeing from the “top” teams here from Singapore and other places. That is one thing that I am excited to doing when I get back to the states, and that is to play some ultimate that is always competitive and is just at a different level than it is here in Asia. But until then, let my domination continue…
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I called my blog this for a reason
Day 130
My time is
Tiger Leaping Gorge is known as one of the world’s biggest and deepest gorges in the world. My friends in
Friday, May 8, 2009
$1= 8,550 Kip
I arrived into Laos yesterday after a farewell to the lovely Bun Kao family and my trusty driver, who I can’t remember his name. I arrived into Luang Prabang around 3 and had no idea what I was going to do. I added Luang Prabang to my list of places to go because my friend and travel agent Jon told me that it was a good place to go. I trust him and so here I am! The city of Luang Prabang is very small and is run by the Buddhist temples and the monks. The main attraction for Luang Prabang is to visit the temples and the huge waterfalls. I chose to stay at the Spicylaos guesthouse and it has been great. I walked around the city, tried some of the street food, not as good as China, and some of the traditional drinks, (an iced bag that with a coffee flavored liquid). Laos is crazy beautiful and the people are also very friendly, but it is soo HOT!!! The host of the guesthouse took me and other guests to a local restaurant called Utopia and it was fantastic.
Inside Utopia, there is a sand beach volleyball court; the seats are either floor seating or gigantic rocks with the tables being rocks as well. It is right on the lake and it is really a great design. If only my camera was working the way that it should, then you would be able to see it…sorry.
Today I went to the waterfall called Khuangai Waterfall. My driver from the airport picked me up and we left at 9am. I arrived at the waterfall around 9:45 and started my hike up the mountain. It was so beautiful. The people did a great job of making the waterfalls and pools very accessible without disturbing the natural too much or making it extremely obvious that you are on a trail. I of course got lost and wandered a bit, but eventually made it to the very top of the waterfall and continued for another 3km to a cave. It was all worth it.
Being in the sun all day is very tiring and for the rest of the day I vegged and didn’t do much. I was about to pay my driver 20,000 Kip but he said 40. So I gave him $40. dang…I lose.
The saddest part of the trip so far has to be my interaction with the cat that lives in the guesthouse. She is a mother of some kittens but about 4 days ago the kittens were killed. The mother cat roams around all day in the guesthouse and around it, calling for it’s babies and there is no response, there will never be a response. It makes me think of just the love that this cat has, but has no clue as to where it’s kittens are. I have no idea how long she will keep it up, but it is certain that she cares.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
My camera is broken, but my spirit isn’t. I went to the lake today to see the countryside and to see the people again. The lake is a huge economic help for the Cambodians, who fish like crazy and then sell them to the surrounding countries. On the lake is a floating village and just like the rest of my days, breathtaking. Luckily for me I didn’t need to use my broader lens and only needed my telephoto lens to capture the essence of what I was seeing. I am someone that will take pictures at will and my favorite thing to take pictures of is people. This was the first time that I felt guilty for taking these pictures. I was on a boat and we rode through the village and I could see the people going about their normal business of fishing, lounging around, eating, sleeping, playing, etc. I started to think of what they must be thinking. Imagine a life without privacy, where strangers would come to your neighborhood and home and just take photos of you, your friends and your family. How does it make you feel when someone is pointing a camera directly at your face? For me it feels weird, but it could have a total different feeling for others. I didn’t take as many photos today out of respect for these people, and I hope now that I can show more respect in the future.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The Good, Bad and the Sad
Day 122
Today I went to the mountain that contained the waterfall that is used by the Hindu religion for healing and to the temples of Banteay Srey. The hike on the mountain was only 1500m and the waterfall and nature was just what I needed. It’s hard…impossible to find quiet areas and peaceful areas in
It was a great day, until it took a turn for the worst. I took a bike into town again to get some dinner and after riding around for a bit, looking at the restaurants that were around, I saw a BBQ place that caught my eye. I looped around the market again, crossed the bridge and only had to go straight to reach the restaurant. As I was approaching the BBQ I could start to smell the awesome aroma of food and came to a sorta 4 way intersection. In
I got a few bumps, bruises, cuts and scrapes, nothing I haven’t had before; but I was more bummed and sad about my camera than anything else. The lens is broken, it is stuck on one setting and can only focus to a certain point. The focus of the lens: zoomed to the max. Say goodbye to broad pictures and I could see my arsenal take a dramatic turn for the worse. Dinner was good, but I couldn’t help but try to forget about the death of my camera lens.
Monday, May 4, 2009
I woke up at 5:10am this morning. Why? To see the famous Angkor Wat temple at sunrise. My motorbike driver shows up at 5:30 and we head off to Angkor Wat. It’s dark, obviously, but my heart is pacing and speeding up because of all that I have heard of Angkor Wat. I walk into Angkor Wat and it’s hard to comprehend just what I’m looking at. It is difficult for me to put into words how I felt, but complete admiration is a start. My driver and I proceed to the rest of the temples around Angkor Wat and the pictures will say much more than I ever could.
Just like China, there are vendors and people just trying to sell their goods. And just like in China, they don’t give up and they are all selling the same thing. The good thing about them, is that they all speak some English, and so it’s easy to strike up conversations and be more friendly than it is in China. I make some friends with some of the sellers, and it’s refreshing to talk with someone. That’s the problem with traveling alone, you can’t always find someone to talk to that is interested. The funniest part of talking with the vendors is that they all thought that I was from the same place, Japan.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Day 120
Due to my lack of a job, it seemed only fitting to use my remaining time in Asia to explore and to visit some of the most amazing sites in
I flew into Siem Reap today and my immediate reaction was, it’s hot. My second reaction, it’s still hot. My third reaction, I’m in freakin
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Day 117
I’M DONE! FINISHED! FINEETO! DUNZO! In other words, I quit. Today was my last day at work, and it felt awesome. I had tried to change my job a while back but due to some personal difficulties it was not possible. And so now my time has come and I’M FREE!!! I don’t regret my time at VMC construtctioms. That is spelled correctly by the way. I learned a lot about interiors and I made great strides in my education. It was cool to work with the some of the upcoming designs for the Shanghai EXPO ( Now there were definitely some problems that occurred and I definitely have some “beef” with this company, but you can ask me about that later. So to all my coworkers that probably will never see this or even understand what this means, thanks and it’s been great. But to everyone else at the company… no comment.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Too much stuff
Day 114
The past two weeks have been quite eventful. I went to the
First up: Jeju
The name of this tournament was the Gnarly Nines, which means that each time has only 9 members; which also means that each team only has 2 subs for the entire weekend. We arrived into Jeju on Friday and immediately my lungs opened and I actually found it hard to breathe. It was almost as it my lungs were to happy or surprised to be inhaling such fresh air that it started to feel like heaving. We walked around the “town”, ate some nasty ol’ kimchee and some cold noodles and then some of us went to the beach. It was beautiful and it was cool to finally see a real beach and to just throw the Frisbee around. We got back to the hotel mingled with the other ultimate players and then headed to “bed”. My room didn’t have any beds; we were given comforters and fancy rugs to sleep on. First class all the way BABY!!!
The next morning we finally saw the famous Jeju fields. These fields are used by professional soccer players and are used in the World Cup. I have never seen or felt grass like this in my life. I immediately dove into the grass and fell in love. There were no patches, and the grass was just beautiful. Playing was awesome because it was so refreshing to play against people from
The next day, the evil HUWA only played 2 days because of the brackets, but it was fun to watch HUWA make it to the finals, but sadly lose to a strong Korean team. On a good note, both shanghai teams were in the top 8 out of about 22 teams. Bucuo!
We were highly blessed with awesome weather and it seemed only fitting that we should experience the famous Jeju weather of torrential downpour and howling winds on the day that we were supposed to arrive back home to
About two weeks ago from today I was playing ultimate and I laid out (I dove parallel to the ground in order to catch the Frisbee). Laying out is an art form and I am proud to say that I look awesome doing so, but this has also led to many scrapes, scars and now injury. I recall feeling a lot of pain in the right shoulder as I landed and not being able to lift my arm the next day. I played in Jeju with this injury because I thought it was only a bruise.
My friend Sunny accompanied me to the hospital because I don’t speak Chinese. After getting lost for about 20 minutes we finally saw the huge sign that read
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
A little late, but Happy Easter to everyone. And I guess it’s fitting that on my 99th day, we would celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. I know that doesn’t make any sense, but let’s just say it does. I went to church and it was my first church service in China. I should say before the church service, I met up with some friends and we feasted at one of the greatest restaurants in the world, Brazilian Steakhouse. So after a coma it felt only fitting to go to church. Now I know for sure that didn’t make any sense. I went to the 4pm service, which only allows foreign passport holders to attend. So it wasn’t like I was completely immersed in a Chinese church experience, but it was close enough. I will not go into detail of the service or my feelings about the service on here, cuz that wouldn’t really be appropriate. So the next time you see me, ask me and I’ll fill you in on how I really felt about my Easter church service in Shanghai. Next stop, Chinese service.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Summer Olympic Square
The next day, Jon, Adam and I went to the Summer Palace, then to the Olympic Green and then to Tiananmen Square. One of the cool things since the Beijing Olympics is the incredible transformation that took place. I know that I didn’t really see Beijing pre-Olympics, but I definitely know that it wasn’t the way t
2. There are
3. Beijing taxi drivers sometimes actually stop and allow pedestrians to cross
4. Beijing taxi’s don’t have stars (see previous post)
5. Shanghai beat Beijing in ultimate
The weather was gorgeous again, and the pictures explain everything. It was incredible to see the Olympic Green and remember my freshman year of college
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Great Wall
Day 92
Thanks goes to Chris for allowing us stinky and gross ultimate players to stay at his place. Wake up call was 8 in the morning because this was the day that we were going to go to the Great Wall of China. I remember going four years ago in July and just being bombarded by other tourists, vendors, and being attacked by the evil smog monster. This time I had the privilege of going in April, not being in a tour group, and having friends tell us where to go. So we departed for the HoJiankou area of the Great Wall, where we would be required to hike about 2 hours to reach the wall. We planned to arrive at Jiankou around 10ish and the reach the wall around 12 and then spend a good amount of time on the wall. The weather was perfect, but our plans weren’t. We had to detour form our original plan due to some kind of kite festival and so had to back track and head to a different part of the hike. We stopped for some lunch before the big hike, which was a big mistake. We ordered multiple dishes and only a couple came. Once again, multiple does not equal a couple. And those couple took over an hour to arrive. We lost about and hour and a half of hiking time and that’s not what we wanted. The cool thing about hiking to the wall was that there were these red signs written in Chinese red paint that helped us know where to go. The uncool thing was that the path eventually led us to a cliff. Not the type of cliff that you could fall off of, but more of one that you fall up. Facing this cliff, we were in need of a scout, so Milan volunteered and Jon and I followed.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Day 91 and onward
So the Thundercats had a bye for their first game and would play one more game, eat lunch, play three more games and then possibly the final (we knew and so did everyone). Now my cat back home, Sonny is quite a large cat and catnip seems to have a strange reverse affect on him. He doesn’t get all hyper and crazy when he indulges himself; he gets extremely mellow and lazier. Well the Thundercats seemed to have had too much catnip (we didn’t actually do any drugs). It was an ugly game, and we all realized that we had to get our stuff together to get ready for the real game in the finals. Luckily we played fairly easy games and won easily as well. The Thundercats started to regain their composure and actually looked like a team. The Thundercats rolled over Tianjin B, played well against Beijing Bang, beat up a high school team, and then literally ran over Tianjin A. Now imagine a tornado. Imagine a tornado in a city. Imagine the destruction and rubble and just plain garbage and crap that would be around. Now imagine that someone just decided to scatter grass around and then call it a field. That’s what it was like. A tornado, in a city, with rubble, garbage, crap, and scattered grass field. The final was between Beijing’s Big Brother and us, the Thundercats. We had just finished a hard fought 7-1 victory over Tianjin A while Big Brother had their bye. So naturally we would want to play right away! Not this guy or any of my fellow Thundercats. We were exhausted, we were in pain, we wanted to rest, we wanted to sleep, we wanted to have had to play Tianjin A. So after 5 minutes of waiting we took the fields. The Thundercats scored the first point, and after that it was all a blur. All I can remember was that I couldn’t properly accelerate or run because my body was so beat up. Instead my Mazda3, I felt like an 18-wheeler. Where I have to warm up my engine and slowly reach my top speed, but I can’t stop too fast or else I will die. But we won….somehow. We are still trying to figure that part out. We were up 9-6 at half and then they rallied to 9-9 and then we scored 2 points to win. Sweeeet. It was really cool to win the first Tianjin Tournament because they gave us a free disc, an “official” certificate indicating that we won and this MASSIVE trophy. It felt good to win because of just the type of day it was with only 2 subs and I really felt like we all improved in some way, whether it was smarts about the game or we just got in better shape. Either way, it was a good tournament, and I’m really glad it was only one day.
After the tournament, we were treated to a delicious meal and we all just hung out. They passed out the MVP awards and for some reason all of the MVP’s just started to take their shirts off! Welcome to Tianjin. Drinking games were going on everywhere, bottle caps flying, people losing their eyes, people drinking form frisbee’s…it was just another normal ultimate tournament China, and I’m glad to be here. I am glad to say that I have yet to become under the influence of alcohol here or anywhere, and it doesn’t seem like that will change at all. After the party we loaded onto the bus with Beijing people and headed on our 2-hour ride to Beijing where the next couple days were guaranteed to be a blast.
I’m still tired, check back for great adventure from the Great Wall and Beijing!